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國產av 果凍傳媒 肛交 环境科学与工程学院 - 东南亚呦
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國產av 果凍傳媒 肛交 环境科学与工程学院
发布日期:2024-11-05 21:49    点击次数:180
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李鱼涵养简介1 基本情况李鱼,男,汉族,1965年2月11日生,吉林省长春东谈主,1986年7月毕业于吉林大学化学系(理学学士学位);1986年7月至1999年9月接事于水利部、国度环保总局松辽流域水资源保护局,于1997年11月被评为高等工程师,期间,1997年7月于吉林大学环境科学系获理学硕士学位;1999年9月,下野后再次考入吉林大学环境科学系,2001年7月留校任教(副涵养),2002年7月赢得理学博士学位,2002年11月至2004年11月、2004年12月至2005年12月间差别于吉林大学化学学院、加拿大里贾纳大学工学院作念博士后推敲,并于2004年12月、2005年9月差别被聘为吉林大学涵养、博士生导师,主要从事环境化学及环境贪图与评价推敲,于2006年12月赢得国度东谈主事部、国度环境保护总局环境影响评价注册工程师阅历,国度环境保护总局环境影响评价工程师劳动阅历考试第二、三届民众委员会委员、环保部环境工程评估中心民众库民众。现为华北电力大学环境科学与工程学院涵养、博士生导师。2 学习及职责经历2.1主要学历1982.09-1986.07:吉林大学化学系,本科生;1994.09-1997.07:吉林大学环境科学系,硕士推敲生;1999.09-2002.07:吉林大学环境与资源学院,博士推敲生;2002.11-2004.11:吉林大学化学学院,博士后;2004.12-2005.12:里贾纳大学工学院(加拿大),博士后。2.2主要职责经历1986.07-1999.09:松辽流域水资源保护局(高等工程师);2001.07-2004.12:吉林大学环境与资源学院环境科学系(副涵养);2005.01-2006.08:吉林大学环境与资源学院环境科学系(涵养);2005.09-2006.08:吉林大学环境与资源学院环境科学系(涵养、博士生导师)2004.12-2005.12:里贾纳大学(加拿大)平凡探问学者;2005.04-2005.12:中国科学院沈阳应用生态推敲所高等探问学者;2007.03-2017.03:中国林业科学院丛林生态环境与保护推敲所客座推敲员;2006.08-         华北电力大学能源与环境推敲中心、资源环境推敲院、环境科学与工程学院涵养、博士生导师。2.3主要科研形势(1)2004-2006,建设形势资源、能源可握续愚弄评价推敲(吉林省环境保护局环境科技形势,16.0万);(2)2004-2009,主要有毒无益期侮物环境步履—迁徙支援—环境效应等多因素的相互关连(973假想“东北老工业基地环境期侮酿成机理与生态建设推敲”子课题“东北老工业基地环境期侮特征与时空演变”推敲骨子之一,20.0万)。(3)2007-2009,石油期侮泥土生物处理时期推敲,国度环保总局形势专题,10万;(4)2007-2009,工业废水处理时期与制剂绝顶资源化愚弄,中国科学院东北振兴科技动作假想要害形势专题,10万;(5)2008國產av 果凍傳媒 肛交-2009,500千伏景洪电站送出、德宏和砚山输变电工程收场环境保护验收考查合作形势,环境保护部环境工程评估中心,50万;(6)2008-2010,典型石油开采区期侮谱识别与分级时期基础推敲,中国石油集团安全环保时期推敲院,39.72万;(7)2009-2011,河流上层千里积物中重金属和农药的复合期侮机制绝顶水质水能源/吸解耦合模子的应用推敲,国度当然科学基金面上形势(No.50879025),37万。(8)2010-2010,松原市生态环保型壅水坝形势环境影响优化推敲,松原市二松城区壅水坝工程形势建设相易小组办公室,60.00万;(9)2012-2013,真金不怕火油化工企业期侮减排后劲模子推敲,中国石油集团安全环保时期推敲院,24.1万;(10)2012-2013,包头市环境空气功能区画分推敲,包头市环境监测站26.28万;(11)2013-2015,放置油土轮廓愚弄时期模范与步履制定的推敲,吉林省环境科学推敲院,4.5万;(12)2013-2015,内源处罚与面源限度、水生态系统保护、饮用水水源地保护、重心流域轮廓处罚,吉林省水文水资源局,87.1万;(13)2015-2016,吉林省西部地区雨洪资源轮廓愚弄河湖连通给水工程环境影响评价合作形势,中国林业科学推敲院丛林生态环境与保护推敲所,35万;(14)2015-2016,莠去津废水处理时期小试推敲形势,浙江中山化工集团股份有限公司,31.00万;(15)2016-2017,吉林省西部地区雨洪资源轮廓愚弄河湖联通给水工程水生生物检测分析,长春东北师大科技开采中心,10万;(16)2017-2018,基于分子对接时期的芳醇烃生物降解刺激要领推敲,中国石油集团安全环保时期推敲院,14.8万;(17)2017-2020,吉林省西部给水工程泥土盐渍化追踪评价推敲招标形势,吉林省西部地区河湖连通给水工程建设局,130万。此外,先后主握国度、省市环保把握部门审批的建设形势环境影响评价文献近百项,审查建设形势环境影响评价文献近千项,时期评估建设形势环境影响评价文献百余项。3 推敲标的及效用本东谈主主要从事环境化学(环境期侮限度化学、期侮物格局迁徙支援)及环境贪图与评价推敲,先后发表学术论文300余篇,其中SCI、EI收录论文100多篇,出书专著8部,获吉林省科技逾越二等奖1项、国度发明专利10项、软件文章权2项。4 论文文章4.1 期刊论文(1)李鱼,邓凤君,李兴春,彭卉。青龙山水库泥土营养溶出对水质的影响。水资源保护,2000,1:18-20。(2)LI Yu, WANG Guo-ping. Trend impact analysis of dissolved nutrients released from soil on water quality in Qinglongshan Reservoir. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (水土保握学报), 2000, 14 (3): 108-111.(3)董德明,张白羽,岳保华,李鱼,花修艺。当然水体中生物膜组分的化学萃取分离。吉林大学当然科学学报,2000,134(4):71-74。(4)Dong, D., Li, Y., Zhang, B., Hua, X., Yue, B. Selective chemical extraction and separation of Mn, Fe oxides and organic material in natural surface coatings: application to the study of trace metal adsorption mechanism in aquatic environments. Microchemical Journal, 2001,69 (1): 89-94. (SCI收录)(5)董德明,李鱼,花修艺,王国平。当然水体中生物膜吸附铅、镉的热力学特征。中国粹术期刊文摘(科技快报),2001,7(5):51-52。(6)董德明,李鱼,花修艺,张菁菁。当然水体中生物膜吸附铅、镉的能源学特征。中国粹术期刊文摘(科技快报),2001,7(6):61-63。(7)Dong D., Li Y., Hua X. Investigation of Fe, Mn oxides and organic material in surface coatings and Pb, Cd adsorption to surface coatings developed in different natural waters. Microchemical Journal, 2001, 70 (1): 25-33. (SCI收录)(8)董德明,李鱼,花修艺,张菁菁。当然水体中生物膜不同化学组分与铅、镉最大吸附量的关连。高等学校化学学报,2001,22 (8):1379-1381。(SCI收录)(9)董德明,花修艺,李鱼,康春莉。不同水体生物膜中各化学组分对铅的吸附作用推敲。高等学校化学学报,2002,23 (2):294-296。(SCI收录)(10)董德明,李鱼,花修艺,张菁菁。当然水体中生物膜主要化学组分与水体中筹谋化学物资的关连。高等学校化学学报,2002,23 (8) :1507-1509。(SCI收录)(11)Deming Dong, Xiuyi Hua, Yu Li, Zhonghua Li. Lead adsorption to metal oxides and organic material of freshwater surface coatings determined using a novel selective extraction method. Environmental Pollution. 2002, 119 (3): 317-321. (SCI收录)(12)董德明,李鱼,花修艺,张菁菁,康春莉,姚军。不同水体中生物膜主要化学组分选择性萃取分离的相比。吉林大学学报(理学版),2002,40(2):204-206。(13)董德明,李鱼,花修艺,张菁菁,刘莉,娄大伟。当然水体生物膜对铜、锌、镉的富集作用。科学时期与工程,2002,3:61-62。(14)董德明,李鱼,花修艺,张菁菁,邱立民。铁、锰氧化物在当然水体中生物膜上的散布。应用化学,2002,19(9):902-904。(15)李鱼,董德明,花修艺,张菁菁,杨帆,邱立民。湿地水环境中生物膜吸附铅、镉材干的推敲。地舆科学,2002,22(4):445-448。(16)董德明,李鱼,花修艺,邱立民,张菁菁,杨帆。pH对湿地水环境中生物膜吸附铅、镉的影响。吉林大学学报(理学版),2002,40(3):303-307。(17)李鱼,董德明,花修艺,刘淼,张菁菁,杨帆。淡水生物膜上铅和镉解吸的能源学特征。吉林大学学报(理学版),2002,40(3):313-315。(18)李鱼,姜百川,李兴春。青龙山水库环境影响评价中的公众参与。2002,16(4):44-46。(19)董德明,康春丽,李忠华,李鱼,花修艺,郭平。磷酸二氢钾法分离当然水体中的生物膜胞外团员物。科学时期与工程,2002,2(5):51-53。(20)董德明,李鱼,花修艺,邱立民,张菁菁,杨帆。湿地水环境中齐集的生物膜吸附铅、镉的特点。环境科学,2003,24(1):131-134。(21)Dong D., Li Y., Zhang J., Hua X. Comparison of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and barium adsorption to freshwater surface coatings. Chemosphere, 2003, 51 (5): 369-373. (SCI收录)(22)Dong D., Li Y., Hua X., Zhang J. Comparison of Pb, Cd adsorption to surface coatings developed in natural water with that in plant effluents. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2003, 19(4): 417-421. (SCI收录)(23)董德明,张菁菁,李鱼,花修艺,刘淼,杨帆,张君枝。当然水体生物膜吸附Mn2+经由中吸附液pH值的变化。吉林大学学报(理学版),2003,41(2):234-237。(24)董德明,杨帆,李鱼,陈辉,花修艺,张菁菁。当然水体生物膜上铁、锰氧化物滋长速度的推敲。重庆环境科学,2003,25(4):10-13。(25)Y. Li, B. Zhang, G. Huang, D. Dong, and X. Hua. Relationship between Pb/Cd adsorption and metal oxides on surface coatings at different depths of aquatic environment. Hydrobiologia, 2003, 494(1-3): 31-35. (SCI收录)(26)李鱼,刘亮,董德明,花修艺,杨帆,徐珑。城市河流淤泥中重金属开释法律阐述的推敲。水土保握学报,2003,17(1):125-127。(27)李鱼,刘亮,董德明,徐珑,花修艺,杨帆,孙亚红。城市河流淤泥中重金属的生物可愚弄性。吉林大学学报(理学版),2003,41(1):106-110。(28)李鱼,刘亮,董德明,杨帆,花修艺,张菁菁。有机氯类农药对当然水体生物膜吸附Pb、Cd材干的影响。当然科学阐述,2003,13(8):866-869。(29)董德明,杨帆,李鱼,陈辉,花修艺。水温对当然水体生物膜上铁、锰氧化物酿成经由的影响。科学时期与工程,2003,3(2):182-183。(30)李鱼,刘亮,董德明,杨帆,花修艺,张菁菁。当然水体生物膜对铅、镉和有机氯类农药的滋扰吸附。科学时期与工程,2003,3(1):80-82。(31)DONG De-ming, HUA Xiu-yi, LI Yu, JI Liang. The application of a novel selective extraction method to the extraction of Fe and Mn oxides in surface coatings. Environmental Chemistry, 2003, 22(3): 232-235.(32)李鱼,董德明,杨帆,郑娜,金钦汉。当然水体生物膜中铁、锰氧化物的格局分析。吉林大学学报(理学版),2003,41(3):374-377。(33)Deming Dong, Xiuyi Hua, Yu Li, Jingjing Zhang, Dongxu Yan. Cd Adsorption Properties of Components in Different Freshwater Surface Coatings: the Important Role of Ferromanganese Oxides. Environmental Science and Technology, 2003, 37(18): 4106-4112. (SCI收录)(34)董德明,李鱼,杨帆,花修艺,张菁菁,纪亮。齐集的生物膜对铅、镉吸附经由中的相互滋扰。环境科学动态,2003,3:6-8。(38)李鱼,王月,张华鹏,刘亮,孙亚红,李青山,李兴春。向海湿地河谈泥土吸附铅、镉材干的推敲。水土保握学报,2003,17(4):58-60,70。(35)李鱼,刘金风,董德明,姜百川,刘亮,赵德峰。当然水体生物膜上有机质COD与TOC之间的比例关连。科学时期与工程,2003,3(5):479-481。(36)李海生,刘亮,李鱼,刘色泽,王健,王月,刘鸿亮,陈复。pH值对催化湿法氧化降解垃圾渗滤液的影响。吉林大学学报(理学版),2004,42(1):147-149。(37)DONG De-ming, HUA Xiu-yi, LI Yu, JI Liang, ZHANG Jing-jing. Lead adsorption capacities of different components in natural surface coatings. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(1): 79-85. (SCI收录)(38)董德明,纪亮,花修艺,李鱼,郑娜。当然水体生物膜吸附Co、Ni、Cu的特征。高等学校化学学报,2004,25(2):247-251。(SCI收录)(39)李鱼,董德明,刘亮,花修艺,张菁菁,杨帆。当然水体生物膜绝顶在环境中的作用。环境科学动态,2004,4:16-19。(40)Dong D., Zhang J., Li Y., Hua X., Liu M., Zhang J. Comparison adsorption rates of Pb, Cd, Cu, Co, and Ni to fresh-water surface coatings developed in Nanhu Lake. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2004, 20(1): 29-31. (SCI收录)(41)李鱼,郑娜,董德明,杨帆,花修艺,金钦汉。镉在当然水体生物膜滋长经由中的积存。应用化学,2004,21(1):28-31。(42)董德明,杨帆,李鱼,刘亮,郑娜,梁楠。湖水中颗粒物对水体生物膜吸附铅、镉的影响。高等学校化学学报,2004,25(7):1240-1244。(SCI收录)(43)董德明,李海龙,李鱼,房春生,李晓红,许崇彦。伊通河(长春市区段)千里积物重金属元素化学格局散布特征。水土保握推敲,2004,11(1):95-96。(44)李海生,刘亮,李鱼,刘色泽,王健,刘鸿亮,陈复。温度对WAO/CWAO处理垃圾渗滤液的影响。环境科学,2004,25(4):134-138。(EI收录)(45)李海生,刘色泽,刘亮,李鱼,刘鸿亮,陈复。城市垃圾填埋场渗滤液处理推敲阐述。环境科学推敲,2004,17(1):77-80。(46)刘色泽,李海生,李鱼,刘亮,王健,刘鸿亮。氧分压对CWAO去除垃圾渗滤液TOC的影响。环境期侮与防治(),2004,第2卷,第1期。(47)李鱼,孙亚红,王月,王晓丽,刘亮,张华鹏,李青山,李兴春。影响湿地草根层泥土吸附铅、镉材干的因素推敲。吉林大学学报(地学版),2004,34(3):445-449。(48)李鱼,王晓丽,董德明,王月,李青山。湿地草根层泥土对铅、镉吸附与解吸的能源学推敲。湿地科学2004,2(1):10-14。(49)李鱼,刘亮,董德明,姜百川,刘金凤,王丽莉。当然水体生物膜上有机质含量的表征。吉林大学学报(理学版),2004,42(2):302-305。(50)李鱼,董德明,刘亮,杨帆,花修艺,张菁菁。当然水体生物膜滋长环境与其吸附铅、镉材干的关连。内蒙古大学学报(当然科学版),2004年,35(6):716-720。(51)董德明,路永正,李鱼,李海龙。吉林省部分河流与湖泊上层千里积物中重金属的散布法律阐述。吉林大学学报(地学版),2005,35(1):91-96。(52)张海浪,董德明,杨帆,李鱼,吴雨华。溶液离子强度对当然水体生物膜吸附Pb2+和Cd2+ 的影响。吉林大学学报(地学版),2004,34(4):566-570。(53)郑娜,董德明,邱立民,李鱼,王玮瑜,张荣。铁氧化物对当然水体生物膜吸附镉材干的影响。吉林大学学报(理学版),2004,42(2):306-310。(54)韩炜,李素文,朱长云,赵辉,王珩,王月,李鱼,吴通好。新式纳米材料净化水中低浓度Cd2+。吉林大学学报(理学版),2004,42(3):475-478。(55)李鱼,董德明,吕晓君,路永正,花修艺。汽车尾气中铅对公路两侧泥土期侮的特征推敲。生态环境,2004,13(4):549-552。(56)李鱼,王月,王晓丽,刘亮,李云鹏,李青山。向海湿地草根层泥土对铅、镉的静态和动态吸附材干的推敲。东北师大学报(当然科学版),2004,36(3):95-100。(57)李鱼,张华鹏,王晓丽,李青山,王月,路永正。pH值和流量对湿地泥土草根层吸附铅、镉法律阐述的影响。吉林大学学报(理学版),2004,42(4):628-632。(58)LI Hai-sheng, LIU Liang, ZHANG Rong, DONG De-ming, LIU Hong-liang, LI Yu?. Application of catalytic wet air oxidation for the treatment of landfill leachates over Co/Bi catalysts. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2004, 20(6): 711-716. (SCI收录)(59)李青山,张华鹏,崔勇,王月,段勇,李兴春,李鱼。湿地功能推敲阐述。科学时期与工程,2004,4(11):972-976。(60)段勇,李青山,杨芳,李兴春,张华鹏,李鱼。激流输沙对洪泛区湿地影响初探。科学时期与工程,2004,4(11):967-971。(61)段勇,陈界江,李鱼,赵文晋,李海生,崔勇,王德秋。竖立符合轮回经济的环境影响评价体系推敲。科学学推敲。2004,22(增刊):246-249。(62)DONG De-ming, YANG Fan, LI Yu, HUA Xiu-yi, Lǖ Xiao-jun, ZHANG Jing-jing. Adsorption of Pb, Cd to Fe, Mn oxides in natural freshwater surface coatings developed in different seasons. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17 (1): 30-36. (SCI收录)(63)LI Yu, DONG De-ming, CHEN Li-yuan, HUA Xiu-yi. Removal of Cd (Ⅱ) from aqueous solutions by natural freshwater surface coatings. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2005, 21(1): 53-58. (SCI收录)(64)李鱼,张华鹏,刘亮,王月,孙亚红,李兴春,李青山。沙化对向海湿地功能的影响。水土保握通报,2005,25(2):83-86。(65)刘亮,李鱼,刘色泽,王健,董德明,李海生。氧化剂对CWAO降解垃圾渗滤液中有机物的影响因素及能源学推敲。吉林大学学报(理学版),2005,43(4):541-545。(66)李鱼,段勇,张华鹏,刘险峰。对高等院校宣传《环境影响评价法》的分析和提出。中国东谈主口?资源与环境,2005,15:159-161。(总第88期)(67)Yu Li, Yue Wang, Wei Han, Su-wen Li, Hui Zhao, Heng Wang, Tong-hao Wu. Kinetic adsorption of Cd onto the nanometer Al2O3/Carbon fibre. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2005, 21(5): 522-524. (SCI收录)(68)李鱼,王晓丽,陈昕,董德明,刘亮,李青山,李兴春。湿地水环境中上层千里积物吸附铅、镉材干的推敲。吉林大学学报(地学版),2005,35(12):231-235。(69)李鱼,张荣,李海生,董德明,刘亮,刘色泽,刘鸿亮。Co/Bi催化剂催化湿法氧化降解垃圾渗滤液中的氨氮。高等学校化学学报,2005,26(3):430-435。(SCI收录)(70)李鱼,王健,李海生,刘亮,王月,王晓丽,张荣,刘鸿亮。催化湿法氧化处理垃圾渗滤液中Co/Bi催化剂的回收与再生。环境期侮与防治,2005,27(1):56-59。(71)Yu Li, Xiaoli Wang, Yue Wang, Deming Dong, Huapeng Zhang, Qingshan Li, Xingchun Li. Comparison of Pb and Cd adsorption to surface coatings and surficial sediments collected in Xianghai wetland. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17(1): 126-129. (SCI收录)(72)李鱼,王晓丽,张华鹏 ,李青山,王月,刘亮,段勇,李兴春。向海湿地河谈高卑劣泥土重金属元素期侮进度分析,生态环境,2005,14(1):30-33。(73)段勇,郑爽,李鱼,李海生,崔勇,王德秋。开采区地盘资源愚弄中存在的问题绝顶对策。四川环境,2005,24(1):98-101。(74)杨帆,董德明,吕晓君,李鱼,刘莉。单柱离子色谱法分离测定当然水体生物膜中的Mn2+。吉林大学学报(理学版),2005,43(1):112-115。(75)崔勇,王月,王晓丽,李鱼?。当然水体生物膜有机质含量测定要领的竖立与评价。科学时期与工程,2005,5(16):1167-1169。(76)崔勇,段勇,赵文晋,王丽莉,李鱼?。企业可握续发展评价假想体系和评价要领的初探。科学时期与工程,2005,5(8):496-500。(77)李鱼,朱岚,董国华,王健,刘亮。共千里淀法制备Mn-Ce复合氧化物催化剂的正交覆按推敲。环境期侮与防治()(齐集版),2005,第3卷,第9期。(78)李鱼,陈界江,马海燕,花修艺,董德明,郭书海。选择性化学萃取对当然水体生物膜上微生物的影响。应用生态学报,2006,17(2):291-294。(79)李鱼,陈界江,王晓丽,董德明,郭书海。齐集的生物膜中痕量重金属的格局散布特征。高等学校化学学报,2006,27(4):627-631。(SCI收录)(80)Yu Li, Fan Yang, Deming Dong, Yongzheng Lu, Shuhai Guo. Study on fractions of adsorbed Pb and Cd onto natural surface coatings. Chemosphere, 2006, 62: 1709-1717. (SCI收录)(81)Yu Li, Xiaoli Wang, Deming Dong, Shuhai Guo. Cu and Zn adsorption onto non-residual and residual components in the natural surface coatings sampled (NSCSs) in the Songhua River, China. Environmental Pollution, 2006, 143(2): 221-227. (SCI收录)(82)李鱼,朱岚,刘亮,赵文晋,李海生。催化湿法氧化处理垃圾渗滤液的经济性初步分析。四川环境,2006,25(2):90-93。(83)吴雨华,王晓丽,董德明,路永正,伏亚萍,胡林林,李鱼?。南湖水体多相介质中重金属元素散布特征推敲。吉林大学学报(理学版),2006,44(1):130-136。(84)李鱼,段勇,郑爽,刘险峰,李海生。工业建设形势用地的集约进度推敲——以朔方某省部分新建工业建设形势为例。中国东谈主口?资源与环境,2006,16(4):296-298。(85)Y. Li, L. Liu, G.H. Huang, L. Zhu. Ammonia removal in the catalytic wet air oxygen process of landfill leachates with Co/Bi catalyst. Water Science & Technology, 2006, 54(8): 147-154. (SCI收录)(86)Shuhai Guo, Yu Li, Liang Liu, Xiuyi Hua. Pb and Cd adsorption onto the natural surface coatings in the presence of the organochlorine pesticides: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Environmental Management, 2008, 88: 147-153. (SCI收录)(87)LI Yu, WANG Zhe, ZHAO Wen-jin. Application of a short sequential extraction procedure (SSEP) for the determination of Zn, Cu and Cd availability in the riverbed sludge in Hejiagou, Harbin. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2006, 22 (6): 696-702. (SCI收录)(88)LI Feng-mei, WANG Xiao-li, LI Yu, GUO Shu-hai, ZHONG Ai-ping. Selective extraction and separation of Fe, Mn oxides and organic materials in river surficial sediments. Journal of Environmental Science, 2006, 22(6): 1233-1240. (SCI收录)(89)Y. Li, X. L. Wang, G. H. Huang?, B. Y. Zhang, S. H. Guo. Adsorption of Cu and Zn onto Mn/Fe oxides and organic materials in the non-residual fraction of river surficial sediments. Soil & Sediment Contamination: an International Journal, 2009, 18(1): 87-101.(SCI收录)(90)GUO Shu-hai, WANG Xiao-li, LI Yu, CHEN Jie-jiang, YANG Jun-cheng. Investigation on Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd fractions in the natural surface coatings sampled and surficial sediments collected in the Songhua River. Journal of Environmental Science, 2006, (6): 1193-1198. (SCI收录)(91)LI Yu, HUANG Guo-he, ZHANG Bai-yu, GUO Shu-hai. Scavenging of Cd through Fe/Mn oxides within natural surface coatings (NSCs). Journal of Environmental Science, 2006, 22(6): 1199-1203. (SCI收录)(92)李鱼,王晓丽,张正,郭书海。上层千里积物(生物膜)非残渣态组分选择性萃取分离绝顶吸附铜/锌的特点。高等学校化学学报,2006,27 (12):2285-2290。(SCI收录)(93)王岙,李鱼?,徐独力,郭书海。高效液相色谱法测定水体中的阿特拉津。生态环境,2006,15(6):1160-1164。(94)伏亚萍,李鱼?,王健,曹周礼,段勇,郭书海。稠油降解菌的筛选绝顶生物名义活性剂的特点。吉林大学学报(理学版),2007,45(1):148-153。(95)王健,李鱼?,董国华,汤洁。交互正交践诺假想在Mn/Ce催化剂制备中的应用。吉林大学学报(地学版),2007,37(3):606-610。(96)胡林林,李鱼?,雷金津,伏亚萍,王晓丽,郭书海。紫外分光光度法测定水样中五氯酚。吉林大学学报(理学版),2007,45(2):320-323。(97)王晓丽,李鱼?,吴雨华,曹周礼,袁懋,李绪谦。南湖水体多相介质中PAHs的散布特征绝顶开首分析。水土保握学报,2007,21(3):118-122。(98)王宪恩,王人姗姗,李鱼。基于盲数表面的湖泊总磷D-BM优化模子。中国环境科学,2007,27(3):356-359。 (EI收录)(99)李鱼,刘建林,董国华,郑爽,王健。催化湿式过氧化物法(CWPO)降解间硝基苯磺酸钠的能源学推敲。安全与环境学报。2007,7(4):31-34。(100)王江玲,李鱼,赵文晋。建设形势总量限度探讨。环境保护。2007,380(9B):44-46。(101)黎娜,李鱼?,徐独力,陈丹,郑莹。毛细管气相色谱法快速测定水中环境雌激素。环境期侮与防治()(齐集版),2007,第29卷,第12期。(102)王晓丽,李鱼?,王婷,杜显元,李绪谦。样品处理与保存要领对上层千里积物中金属格局的影响。吉林大学学报(地学版)國產av 果凍傳媒 肛交,2008,38(2):299-304。(103)苏本生,乔壮明,李鱼?。EGSB反应器处理丙烯酸废水的覆按推敲。环境工程学报。2007,1(12):83-87。(104)王健,郑爽,汤洁,王士杰,李鱼?。均匀假想在催化湿式氧化(CWAO)升温经由中的应用。环境期侮与防治()(齐集版),2007,第29卷,第12期。(105)王岙,高茜,王晓丽,徐独力,李鱼?。高效液相色谱法同期测定水体中马拉硫磷和阿特拉津。吉林大学学报(理学版),2008,46(1):157-161。(106)王晓丽,李鱼?,王一喆,董德明,李绪谦。选择性萃取对千里积物非残渣态及粘土矿物吸附特点的影响。高等化学学报,2008,29 (2):288-293。(SCI收录)(107)黎娜,陈丹,李鱼?,徐独力。上层千里积物和生物膜对双酚A的非线性吸附。吉林大学学报(理学版),2008,46(2):365-370。(108)王婷,王晓丽,杜显元,刘建林,陈界江,李鱼?。样品陈化对齐集的生物膜中重金属格局散布的影响。吉林大学学报(理学版)。2008,46(5):1001-1005。(109)李鱼,高茜,王晓丽,王燕萍。逐级分离法索要河流上层千里积物中的粘土矿物。生态环境。2008,17(4):1376-1380。(110)李鱼,杜显元,王晓丽,郭媛媛,王婷。上层千里积物(生物膜)绝顶各组分对当然水体中Cu和Zn的富集。2008,水土保握学报,22(2):79-82。(111)郑爽,董国华,王健,刘建林,李鱼?。催化湿式过氧化氢氧化法降解间硝基苯磺酸钠的影响因素推敲。吉林大学学报(理学版),2008,46(3):560-564。(112)Xiaoli Wang, Yu Li?, Deming Dong. Sorption of pentachlorophenol on surficial sediments: the roles of metals oxides and organic materials and the competitive sorption with Cu present. Chemosphere, 2008, 73: 1-6. (SCI收录)(113)Yu Li, Jianlin Liu, Guohe Huang, Hui Yu, Kai An, Baiyu Zhang. Application of a mature-accelerating reagent in food waste composting processes, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly Journal, 2009, 23 (3): 359-365. (SCI收录)(114)李鱼,王岙,高茜,王晓丽,翦英红,徐独力。阿特拉津、镉在上层千里积物(生物膜)上的滋扰吸附特点。Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (化学与化工,好意思国),2008,2(1):68-74。(115)Yu LI, Na LI, Dan CHEN, Xiaoli WANG, Zili XU and Deming DONG. Bisphenol A adsorption onto metals oxides and organic materials in the natural surface coatings samples (NSCSs) and surficial sediments (SSs): inhibition for the importance of Mn oxides. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2009, 196: 41-49.(SCI收录)(116)LI Yu, WANG Ao, GAO Qian, WANG Xiao-li. 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Nitrogen Conservation in Simulated Food Waste Aerobic Composting Process by Adding Different Mg and P Salt Mixtures, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2011, 61: 771-777.(140)DU Xian-yuan, LIU Jian-lin, HUANG G0uo-he, LI Yu?. Formation of struvite crystals in a simulated food waste aerobic composting process. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2010, 26(2): 210-216. (SCI收录)(141)刘建林,张琛,杜显元,高茜,李鱼?。分散液-液微萃取经由中内分泌滋扰物在离子液体水相体系中的分拨步履。吉林大学学报(理学版),2010,48(2):339-345。(142)Shan-Shan Li, Qian Gao, Xiao-Li Wang, Yu Li?. Estimation of Zn and Cu adsorption on Fe/Mn, Fe/OMs and Mn/OMs in surficial sediments through Multiple Regression Adsorption Models (MRAMs). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2010, 19(8): 1466-1473. 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Determination of estrogenic hormones in water samples using high performance liquid chromatography combined with dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method based on solidification of floating organic drop and pre-column derivatization, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2011, 20(4a): 1075-1083.(162)张琛,刘建林,高茜,李鱼。阳离子名义活性剂增强调控千里积物(生物膜)吸附BPA的作用。环境科学与时期,2011,34(3):5-10。(163)李鱼,王倩,高茜,王岙。基于BP神经齐集的复合期侮体系中千里积物吸附阿特拉津的法律阐述。吉林大学学报(地学版),2011,41(Sup. 1):315-321。(EI收录)(164)高茜,王倩,王志增,王岙,李鱼。镉-铜-阿特拉津多元复合体系中千里积物吸附阿特拉津经由的模子推敲。水利水电科技阐述,2011,31(1):37-41。(165)Xianyuan Du, Jianli Liu, Yang Zhang, Shanshan Li, Yan Hu, Yu Li. Relationship between soil siotoxicity and levels of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Co, Sb, Fe, and Mn) in an oilfield from China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2011, 20(1): 121-126. (SCI收录)(166)刘建林,张琛,王夏娇,李鱼。基于碳纳米管的固相萃取-分散液液微萃取测定水中多种痕量环境雌激素。高等学校化学学报,2012,33(01):37-43。(167)Y. Li, Y. Hu, X.Y. Du, J.L. Liu. The Contributions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons to Soil Biotoxicity. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 2015, 37(9): 965-971. (SCI收录)(168)GAO Qian, WANG Zhi-zeng, WANG Qian, LI Shan-shan, LI Yu. Artificial neural network and full factorial design assisted AT-MRAM on Fe oxides, organic materials, and Fe/Mn oxides in surficial sediments. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2011, 27(6): 944-948.(169)Xiaoli Wang, Yu Li. Measurement of Cu and Zn Adsorption onto Surficial Sediment Components: New Evidence for Less Importance of Clay Minerals. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 189: 719-723. (SCI收录)(170)王瑶,邹乔,杜显元,李兴春,李鱼。基于期侮物握久性的化学批评分排序模式(SCRAM)修正——以石油开采场面泥土期侮物评分排序为例。安徽农业科学,2011,39(16):9749-9752,9817。(171)邹乔,王瑶,杜显元,李兴春,李鱼。基于多元线性追溯赋权的内梅罗指数法在石油开采区泥土PAHs期侮分级评价中的应用。安徽农业科学,2011,39(12):7350-7353。(172)王夏娇,张琛,刘建林,李鱼。析因假想DLLME-SFO同期萃汲水中EDCs的应用,环境科学与时期,2012,35(1):71-75。(173)李兴春,胡艳,杜显元,刘建林,李鱼。陆地石油开采区PAHs环境多介质散布及迁徙支援模拟。安全与环境学报,2011,11(6):5-9。(174)Xiaoli Wang, Yu Li. Distribution and Fractionation of Heavy Metals in Long-Term and Short-Term Contaminated Sediments. Environmental Engineering Science, 2012, 29(7): 617-622.(175)李兴春,邹乔,杜显元,王瑶,李鱼。石油开采区泥土期侮品级判别时期探讨。科学时期与工程,2011,19:4536-4546。(176)李兴春,信晶,杜显元,李鱼。掺杂Pb2+、Zn2+、Cd2+、Cu2+和Cr3+的泥土浸提液中亮堂发光杆菌T3的毒性效应。安徽农业科学,2011,39(35):21986-21989。(177)Yu LI, XiaoLi LI, XianYuan DU, Jing XIN, Yao WANG, Qiao ZOU, Yan HU. Using the QICAR Model to Correlate Metal Ion Characteristics with Toxicity Order Numbers. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2012, 18: 1255-1270. (SCI收录)(178)李鱼,王倩,高茜,王岙。千里积物/生物膜吸附阿特拉津的灰色关联分析。江苏大学学报(当然科学版),2012,33(2):223-237。(179)李鱼,刘建林,张琛,王夏娇。固相萃取-分散液液微萃取与柱前衍生法荟萃测定水样中痕量雌激素。分析化学,2012,40(1):107-112。(SCI收录)(180)王檬,高茜,李珊珊,李鱼。引入Cu2+的千里积物吸附AT的多元追溯吸附模子。深圳大学学报理工版,2012,29(1):7-11。(EI收录)(181)Yu Li, Yan Hu, Xian-Yuan Du, Yao Wang. Investigation on the dynamic environmental behaviors of petroleum-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an oilfield, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21(4a): 986-994. (SCI收录)(182)李鱼,王婷,胡艳,王夏娇。UAE-DLLME-SFO-HPLC测定千里积物中的十溴联苯醚。吉林大学学报(理学版),2011,49(3):554-558。(183)李鱼,孙钊,张阳,李都峰。基于轮回经济的新农村建设CDM形势碳汇优化模子推敲。安徽农业科学、Agricultural Science & Technology,2011,39(33):20484-20486。(184)Yu Li, Xianyuan Du, Qiao Zou, Yao Wang, Jianlin Liu, Yan Hu. Potential Interactive Effects of Ten Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Co, Sb, Fe and Mn) on Soil Biotoxicity in an Oilfield from China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21(9a): 2772-2777. (SCI收录)(185)Shanshan Li, Chen Zhang, Meng Wang, Yu Li. Adsorption of multi-heavy metals Zn and Cu onto surficial sediments modeling and adsorption capacity analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(1): 399-406.  (SCI收录)(186)李鱼,范英英,孙钊,李都峰。基于经济增长抑遏的低碳城市碳排放总量优化模子推敲。安徽农业科学,2012,40(1):334-336。(187)李鱼,杜显元,邹乔,李晓丽,李兴春。石油开采区泥土有机碳与石油烃含量关连模子推敲。安徽农业科学,2012,40(6):3308-3309,3323。(188)李鱼,杜显元,张琛,刘建林,李兴春。反馈曲面法优化泥土中PAHs的快速萃取要求。广东农业科学,2011,38(23):132-135。(189)李鱼,李庄,温静雅,孙钊,胡艳,李倦生。区域期侮物总量限度及排污权交游优化模子的应用。吉林大学学报(理学版),2012,50(5):1049-1056。(190)李小一又,张琛,刘建林,高茜,李鱼。基于析因假想的多种重金属对发光菌荟萃毒性的推敲。环境科学与时期,2012,35(12):169-174。(191)蔡梅,孙钊,郭倩倩,李鱼。界限化衍生场沼气工程温室气体减排选址优化模子推敲。可再生能源,2011,29(6):134-137。(192)孟冲,李都峰,杜显元,李兴春,李鱼。基于GIS的典型石油开采区泥土重金属的散布法律阐述。安徽农业科学,2012,40(17):9306-9310。(193)李鱼,范英英,李都峰,杜显元。基于结构减排的碳排放总量限度优化模子推敲。广东农业科学,2012,39(8):213-215。(194)李鱼,王志增,王檬,高茜。引入镉为定性变量的千里积物主要组份吸附阿特拉津的法律阐述。安全与环境学报,2013,13(1):40-43。(195)李鱼,王志增,高茜,张琛。基于反馈曲面模子的多元复合体系中千里积物吸附阿特拉津的法律阐述。生态环境学报,2012,21(8):1434-1439。(196)李鱼,王檬,张琛,高茜。基于分式析因及最好子集追溯的多种期侮物复合期侮特征——阿特拉津与多种期侮物在松花江千里积物上的吸附效应。吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2013,43(5):1595-1602。(197)Yan Hu, Da-Zhou Wang, Chen Zhang, Ze-Sen Wang, Ming-Hui Chen, Yu Li. An interval steady-state multimedia aquivalence (ISMA) model of the transport and fate of chloridion in a surface flow constructed wetland system treating oilfield wastewater in China. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 51: 161-168. (SCI收录)(198)Y. Hu, C. Zhang, D. Z. Wang, J. Y. Wen, M. H. Chen and Y. Li. Chloridion Transport and Fate in Oil-field Wastewater Reuse by Interval Dynamic Multimedia Aquivalence Model. Water Science and Technology, 2013, 67.3: 628-634. (SCI收录)(199)Yan Hu, Jingya Wen, Dazhou Wang, Xianyuan Du, Yu Li. An interval dynamic multimedia fugacity (IDMF) model for environmental fate of PAHs and their source apportionment in a typical petroleum city, China. Chemistry and Ecology, 2013, 29(5): 476-488. (SCI收录)(190)李鱼,李超慈。鼓动电力减排“十”字模式。环境保护,2013,48(8):23-25。(191)Ting Wang, Yinghong Jian, Yu Li. Quantities, sources and adsorption of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in components of surficial sediments collected in Songhua River (Jilin City), China. Chemosphere, 2015, 119: 1208-1216.(192)Yu Li, Chen Zhang, Jian-Lin Liu, Xiao-Li Li, Xiao-Peng Li. Adsorption Interference Mechanism for Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Sediment-Water System through Quantitative Structure Property Relationship Models. CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water, 2014, 42(6): 738-744.(193)邹乔,姜龙,杜显元,李兴春,李鱼。基于密度泛函表面的菲分子结构与光谱推敲。发光学报,2012,33(12):1389-1397。(EI收录)(194)李鱼,王志增,王檬,王倩。多种环境因子交互作用对千里积物吸附阿特拉津的影响。吉林大学学报(理学版),2013,51(2):334-339。(195)邹乔,杜显元,张琛,李兴春,李鱼。弥散一元醇类分子拉曼光谱振动峰的包摄推敲。光谱学与光谱分析,2013,33(1):106-109。(SCI收录)(196)姜龙,蔡晓宇,张琛,邹乔,李鱼。密度泛函表面推敲对位卤代二苯醚的结构、电荷散布及光谱。光谱学与光谱分析,2013,33(11):3151-3156。(197)李鱼,张琛,刘建林,李小一又,王夏娇。掺杂MnO2的泥土吸附多种雌激素化合物的法律阐述及机理。高等学校化学学报,2013,34(3):615-620。(198)Yu Li, Chaoci Li. Flue gas desulfurization programming model for coal-fired generating units based on total emission control policies of SO2 in China. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2012, 30(1): 331-340. (SCI收录)(199)周长志,张琛,李鱼。磁铁矿增强泥土吸附典型雌激素的热力学法律阐述。吉林大学学报(理学版),2014,52(02):389-395。(200)王泽森,温静雅,庞天一,李鱼。基于MIIFLP贪图的界限化衍生场GHG减排布局有假想优化模子推敲。可再生能源,2014,32(3):365-370。(201)李鱼,丁峰。城市灰霾危害及环境影响评价应付措施。三峡环境与生态,2013,35(3):1-3。(202)姜龙,温静雅,李鱼。基于溴取代基的多溴联苯醚同系物红外光谱特征振动辨识推敲,光谱学与光谱分析,2014,34(5):1211-1216。(SCI收录)(203)李鱼,张琛,周长志,孟冲。基于BP神经齐集和析因假想的泥土中EE2和BPA超声提拔生物降解模子推敲。吉林大学学报(理学版),2013,51(6):1193-1199。(204)C. Zhang, X. Y. Wan, C. Z. Zhou, and Y. Li. Ionic Liquid-based Ultrasound-assisted Dispersive Liquid-liquid Microextraction Followed by High-performance Liquid Chromatography for the Determination of Bisphenol A in Sediment Samples. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(16): 9023-9028. (SCI收录)(205)LI Yu, JIANG Long, LI Xiaoli, HU Yan, WEN Jingya. A QICAR Model for Metal Ion Toxicity Values with Their Ion Characteristics Established through the PLS Method. CHEM. RES. CHINESE UNIVERSITIES, 2013, 29(3): 568-573. (SCI收录)(206)丁峰,胡翠娟,李鱼。我国环境风险评价存在的问题及对策提出。环境保护,2013,41(19):50-51。(207)Yan Hu, Jing-ya Wen, Xiao-li Li, Da-zhou Wang, Yu Li. A dynamic multimedia fuzzy-stochastic integrated environmental risk assessment approach for contaminated sites management. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 261: 522-533. (SCI收录)(208)YU LI and CHEN ZHANG. Optimization of Dispersive Liquid-liquid Microextraction Based on Solidification of Floating Organic Drop of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Liquid Food Samples Using Response Surface Plot Method. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 26(15): 4849-4854. (SCI收录)(209)蔡啸宇,姜龙,曾娅玲,李鱼。基于密度泛函表面的多环芳烃硝基衍生物的生物毒性估计。发光学报,2013,34(12):92-96。(EI收录)(210)Bingchuan Cheng, Shanshan Li, Meng Wang, Yu Li. Investigation on the combined pollution between malathion with a variety of pollutants based on the fractional factorial design (resolution IV). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015, 24(5): 1939-1947. (SCI收录)(212)王大洲,胡艳,李鱼。某陆地石油开采区泥土重金属潜在生态风险评价。环境化学,2013,32(9):1723-1729。(213)曾娅玲,姜龙,蔡啸宇,李鱼。拉曼光谱的16种多环芳烃(PAHs)特征振动光谱辨识。光谱学与光谱分析,2014,34(11):2999-3004。(SCI收录)(214)姜龙,程冰川,李鱼。多溴联苯醚取代特征对其生物毒性的效应分析。化学学报,2014,72:743-750。(SCI收录)(215)Xiaoyu Liu, Shanshan LI, Yuhang Cai, Long Jiang, Nan Cheng, Wenjin Zhao and Yu Li. Adsorption Mechanism of Estrogens on Soil Studies Based on Density Functional Theory and Quantitative Structure - Activity Relationship Model. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 27 (4): 1199-1204.(216)WANG Ze-sen, LIU Lin, XU Zheng, LI Zhuang, LI Yu. Research on a Carbon Reduction Optimization Model for a Megalopolis Based on Land-use Planning and ICCLP Method. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015, 24(1): 347-354. (SCI收录)(217)姜龙,曾娅玲,蔡啸宇,李鱼。基于含时密度泛函表面的对位卤代二苯醚电子跃迁机理。发光学报,2014,35(5):627-636。(EI收录)(218)刘琳,温静雅,王泽森,李鱼。基于发电机组布局的垃圾填埋气减排优化模子。可再生能源,2014年,32(11):1730-1736。(219)Yan Hu, Zesen Wang, Jingya Wen, Yu Li. Stochastic Fuzzy Environmental Risk Characterization of Uncertainty and Variability in Risk Assessments: A Case Study of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil at a Petroleum-Contaminated Site in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 316(316): 143-150. (SCI收录)(220)Yu Li, Chen Zhang, Changzhi Zhou, Xiaopeng Li. Single and Competitive-adsorption of EE2 and BPA with Natural Endocrine Disrupting Compounds onto Sediment. “Marine Drugs”, 2014, 12(3): 1349-1360. (SCI收录)(221)LONG JIANG; JINGYA WEN; YALING ZENG; YU LI. Investigation on Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Binding Affinity QSAR Model of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers Based on Substituent Descriptors/Quantum Chemical Parameters.  Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 27(2): 575-581.(222)YUHANG CAI, JUAN LI, WENJIN ZHAO, and YU LI. Single Toxicity and QSAR-assistant Toxic Mechanisms of Pesticides (Dimethoate, Malathion, Atrazine, Prometryn and Acetochlor) to Photobacterium phosphoreum in the Sediment Lixivium. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 27(2): 569-574.(223)Bingchuan Cheng, Hua Yin, Fanli Kong and Yu Li. Sensitivity Analyses of Environmental Impact Factors for Songyuan Backwater Dam, Jilin Province, China. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 2014, 13(3): 505-510. (EI收录)(224)MENG Chong, KONG Fanli, YIN Hua and LI Yu. Assessment on Sediment Pollution and Suggestions of its Disposal Method in a Reservoir (as an Urban Water Source), China. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 2014, 13(2): 393-396. (EI收录)(225)LI YU, JIANG LONG. Effect of Solvent with or without Alcohols Present on IR Spectrum Characteristic Vibration of 4, 4'-Dibromodiphenyl Ether. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2014, 30(6): 997-1004. (SCI收录)(226)张阳,丁峰,范英英,李鱼。不笃定要求下的城市低碳排放总量限度优化模子推敲。可再生能源,2014,32(12):1922-1927。(227)Yang Zhang, Jing Shen, Jingya Wen, Yan Hu, Yu Li, Li He. Uncertainty-based dynamic multimedia human health risk assessment for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a land oil exploitation area. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2016, 22(7): 1552-1573. (SCI收录)(228)丁峰,张阳,李鱼。京津冀大气期侮近况及防治标的探讨。环境保护,2014,42(21):55-57。(229)Ying Chen, Chen Zhang, Yaling Zeng, Yu Li. Sodium Alginate/Ultrasonic-assisted Biodegradation of Oestrogens in Soil. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015, 24(4): 1535-1544. (SCI收录)(230) 邱尤丽,张琛,李鱼。海藻酸钙-超声提拔的多种雌激素增强生物降解推敲。吉林大学学报(理学版),2015,53(05):1065-1072。(231)Yaling Zeng, Lan Wang, Long Jiang, Xiaoyu Cai, Yu Li. Joint Toxicity of Lead, Chromium, Cobalt and Nickel to Photobacterium phosphoreum at No Observed Effect Concentration. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2015, 95(2): 260-264. (SCI收录)(232) Long Jiang, Yu Li. How Do the Substituents Affect and Regulate the Relative Retention Times of Polychlorinated Biphenyls during Gas Chromatography? Journal of Chemometrics, 2015, 206(29): 606-614. (SCI收录)(233)邱尤丽,曾娅玲,姜龙,李鱼。基于苯溶剂化效应的多种邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)拉曼特征振动光谱辨识。发光学报,2015,36(8):976-982。(EI收录)(234) Ying Chen, Bingchuan Cheng, Yu Li. GIS-assistant Determination of the Environmentally-Friendly Dredging Volume in a Reservoir Based on Risk Classification of Nutritive Salts. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 2016, 15(2): 497-502. (EI收录)(235)Li X.P., Jiang L., Li S.S., Li Y. The quantitative ion character-activity relationship between metal ionic properties and their toxicity order numbers through cluster analysis. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2014, 6(12): 349-358.(236)C. Meng, L. Wang, and Y. Li. Assessment of Joint Toxicity Effects of Heavy Metals (Cu2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Pb2+, Cr3+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Sr2+) on Photobacterium Phosphoreum. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2015, 7(6):295-300.(237)Ying Chen, Xiaoyu Cai, Long Jiang, Yu Li. Prediction of Octanol-Air Partition Coefficients for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) using 3D-QSAR Models. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2016, 124: 202-212. (SCI收录)(238)姜龙,孟冲,李鱼。基于溶剂化效应的BDE-15分子振动光谱增强特征振动推敲,光谱学与光谱分析。2015,35(12):3459-3464。(SCI收录)(239)Yang Zhang, Jing Shen, Feng Ding, Yu Li, Li He. Vulnerability assessment of atmospheric environment driven by human impacts. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 571(15): 778-790. (SCI收录)(240)姜龙,李鱼。基于红外光谱分区的多溴联苯醚辨识及生物毒性光谱信息索要推敲,光谱学与光谱分析。2016,36(11):3530-3536。(SCI收录)(241)Wenwen Gu, Bingchuan Cheng, Yu Li. Competitive Adsorption Mechanism of Cadmium and a Variety of Pollutants in Sediments Based on Fractional Factorial Design (Resolution V). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017, 26 (1): 47-58. (SCI收录)(242)Meiling Xin, Lan Wang, Yu Li. Modeling of the joint toxicity of heavy metals (Ni2+, Co2+, Cr3+ and Pb2+) on photobacteria based on the factorial experiment (24). Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 2016, 15(4): 1273-1278. (SCI收录)(243)Zheng Xu, Ying Chen, Youli Qiu, Wenwen Gu, Yu Li. Prediction of Stability for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Transformer Insulation Oil through 3D QSAR Pharmacophore Model Assisted with Full Factor Experimental Design. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2016, 32 (3): 348-356. (SCI收录)(244)Yuan Liu, Yan Hu, Yu Li. A spatiotemporal emission inventory for multimedia PAHs near petroleum production plants in China based on 10?×10? grids. 2017, Chemistry and Ecology, accepted.(245)Long Jiang, Yu Li. Modification of PBDEs (BDE-15, BDE-47, BDE-85 and BDE-126) in Biological Toxicity, Bio-Concentration, Persistence and Atmospheric Long-Range Transport Potential Based on the Pharmacophore Modeling Assistant with the Full Factor Experimental Design. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 307(15): 202-212. (SCI收录)(246)Chong Meng, Minghao Li, Qing Li, Yan Hu, Yu Li. Characterizing the Spatio-Temporal Exposure and Health Risks of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Using the BETR-MFG(IV) Model in an Oilfield, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2018, 24(4): 971-990. (SCI收录)(247)Yan Hu, Dazhou Wang, Yu Li. Environmental behaviors and potential ecological risks of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in multimedia in an oilfield in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(14): 13964-13972. (SCI收录)(248)赵晓辉,曾娅玲,邱尤丽,李鱼。基于群论的PAHs分子偏振拉曼去噪。光谱学与光谱分析。2017,37(7):2067-2072。(SCI收录)(249)Ying Chen, Yu Li. QSAR Model-assisted Prediction of Largest Ultraviolet Absorption Wavelength of PCBs Based on Solvent Effects. Chemistry Letter, 2016, 45(12): 1453-1456. (SCI收录)(250)Xiaohui Zhao, Xiaolei Wang, Yu Li. Relationship between the binding free energy and PCBs’ migration, persistence, toxicity and bioaccumulation using a combination of the molecular docking method and 3D-QSAR. Chemistry Central Journal, 2018, 12: 20-31. (SCI收录)(251)Lidan Tong, Lixin Guo, Xiaojun Lv, Yu Li. Modification of Polychlorinated Phenols and Evaluation of their Toxicity, Biodegradation and Bioconcentration using Three-dimensional Quantitative Structure-activity Relationship Models. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2017, 71: 1-12. (SCI收录)(252)Wenwen Gu, Ying Chen, Yu Li. Prediction of Octanol-water Partition Coefficient (Kow) for Polychlorinated Naphthalenes (PCNs) through 3D-QSAR Models. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2017, 23(1): 40-55.  (SCI收录)(253)Ying Chen, Chen Zhang, Yu Li. Ultrasonic-assisted Biodegradation of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds by Pseudomonas putida in soil: the Importance of Rhamnolipid for Intermediate Product Degradation. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2017, 33 (2): 179-186. (SCI收录)(254)XIN Meiling, CHEN Ying, LI Yu. Investigation of the Photosensitized Mechanisms of PCBs in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter. Chinese J. Struct. Chem. 2017, 36(1): 13-24。(SCI收录)(255)Yang Zhang, Jing Shen, Yu Li. An atmospheric vulnerability assessment framework for environment management and protection at quarterly scale based on CAMx. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 207: 341-354. (SCI收录)(256)Chong Meng, Yan Hu, Yu Li. Research on Carbon Emission Reduction Optimization Model for a Megalopolis based on the Coordination of Economy and Environment. 2017, Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, accepted.(257)Baofeng Cai, Xianen Wang, Yu Li. A Double-sided Chance-constrained Integer Linear Programming for Optimization on Incremental Value of Ecosystem Service: A Case Study on Interconnected River System Network Project in Western Jilin Province, Northeast China. Water, 2017, 9(8): 629-642. (SCI收录)(258)Xiaolei Wang, Wenen Gu, Ermin Guo, Chunyue Cui, Yu Li. Assessment of Long-Range Transport Potential of Polychlorinated Naphthalenes Based on Three-dimensional QSAR Models. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 14802-14818. (SCI收录)(259)邱尤丽,辛好意思玲,李鱼。基于药效团模子的PAEs分子拉曼特征振动光谱衍生增强推敲。光谱学与光谱分析,2018,38 (02):441-447。(SCI收录) .(260)Meiling Xin, Jiawen Yang, Yu Li. The Mechanism for Enhanced Oxidation Degradation of Dioxin-like PCBs (PCB-77) in the Atmosphere by the Solvation Effect. Chemistry Central Journal, 2017, 11: 61-74. (SCI收录)(261)Zhenhua Chu, Wenwen Gu, Yu Li. Adsorption Mechanism of Heavy Metals in Heavy Metal/Pesticide Coexisting Sediment System through Fractional Factor Design Assisted with 2D-QSAR Model. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017, accepted.(262)Qiu, Youli, Li, Yu. Derivatization Enhanced Infrared Characteristic Vibration Spectrum of PAEs through Pharmacophore Model. Spectroscopy Letters, 2018, accepted.(263)Long Jiang, Youli Qiu, Yu Li. Effects Analysis of Substituent Characteristics and Solvents on the Photo Degradation of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers. Chemosphere, 2017, 185: 737-745. (SCI收录)(264)Chong Meng, Xiaolei Wang, Yu Li. An optimization model for waste load allocation under water carrying capacity improvement management. Water, 2017, 9(8): 573-588. (SCI收录)(265)Wenen Gu, Ying Chen, Yu Li. Attenuation of the Atmospheric Migration Ability of Polychlorinated Naphthalenes (PCN-2) Based on Three-dimensional QSAR Models with Full Factor Experimental Design. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2017, 99: 276-280. (SCI收录)(266)Jiang Long, Qiu Youlia Li Yu. Effect Analysis of Quantum Chemical Descriptors and Substituent Characteristics on Henry’s Law Constants of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers at Different Temperatures. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 145: 176-183. (SCI收录)(267)辛好意思玲,褚振华,李鱼。基于分子对接时期及COMSIA/HQSAR提拔的多氯联苯二羟基衍生物分子修饰。高等学校化学学报,2018,39(2):299-309。(SCI收录)(268)Xiaolei Wang, Zhenhua Chu, Jiawen Yang, Yu Li. Pentachlorophenol molecule design with lower bioconcentration through 3D-QSAR associated with molecule docking. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 25114-25125. (SCI收录)(269)张阳,王苿,金国华,申婧,丁峰,李鱼。东谈主类动作影响下城市大气环境的脆弱性评价。吉林大学学报(理学版),2017,55(4):1044-1050。(270)辛好意思玲,邱尤丽,张书京,李鱼。基于分子对接的类二恶英类多氯联苯拉曼光谱增强推敲。发光学报,2018,39(2):251-256。(EI收录)(271)李兴春,杜显元,褚振华,杨佳雯,顾雯雯,李鱼。基于分子对接时期影响萘酶促反应速度的因素推敲,环境化学,2018,已接受。(272)Xiaolei Wang, Qing Li, Minghao Li, Yu Li. Adsorption Interference Mechanisms of Atrazine, Malathion, Prometryne, Metalaxyl and Dimethoate in the Pesticide/Heavy Metal Coexisting Sediment System based on Fractional factor Design (Resolution V) assisted with 2D-QSAR. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2017, accepted.(273)Yang Zhang, Jing Shen, Yu Li. Atmospheric environment vulnerability cause analysis for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan region. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15(1): 128-149. (SCI收录)4.2 会论说文(1)董德明,李鱼,花修艺,张菁菁,杨帆。当然水体生物膜滋长环境与其吸附铅、镉材干的关连。第一届宇宙环境化学学术考虑会(1st National Symposium on Environmental Chemistry),10,24-27,2002,中国杭州,pp182-183。(2)邱立民,李鱼,李兴春,钟宇红,荒废。环境影响评价中重金属绝顶复合期侮问题初探。加入WTO和科学时期与吉林经济发展(上册)(吉林省第二届科学时期学会年会),吉林大学出书社,2002,长春,pp193-200。(3)董德明,花修艺,李鱼,纪亮,刘淼。淡水生物膜不同化学组分吸附铅的材干相比。第一届宇宙环境化学学术考虑会(1st National Symposium on Environmental Chemistry),10, 24-27, 2002,中国杭州,pp184-185。(4)DONG De-ming, HUA Xiu-yi, LI Yu, JI Liang. The application of a novel selective extraction method to the extraction of Fe and Mn oxides in surface coatings. 2002 China-Japan Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2002, Beijing, China.(5)段勇,陈界江,李鱼,李海生,崔勇,王德秋。东北老工业基地发展中环境影响评价的作用推敲。发展轮回经济,落实科学发展不雅,中国沈阳,2004,pp23-24。(6)刘亮,李鱼,李海生,董德明,刘色泽,刘鸿亮。CWAO降解垃圾渗滤液地影响因素及能源学推敲。第二届宇宙环境化学学术阐述会(2cd National Symposium on Environmental Chemistry),10,10-13,2004,中国上海,pp6:10-12。(7)Li Yu, Liu Liang. Degradation of the Landfill Leachates by CWAO over Co3O4/Bi2O3. Advances in waste incineration and emission control [Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Combustion, Incineration/Pyrolysis and Emission Control (3rd i-CIPEC), October 21-23, 2004, Hangzhou, China (第三届国外点火、烧毁/热解和期侮物排放限度会议)]. pp: 532-536.(8)Y. Li, L. Liu, G.H. Huang, L. Zhu. Ammonia Removal in the Catalytic Wet Air Oxygen Process of Landfill Leachates with Co/Bi Catalyst. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, 10-14 September, 2006, Beijing, China.(9)Yu Li, Xiaoli Wang, Yuhua Wu, Mao Yuan, Shuhai Guo. Relationship between heavy metals and polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons in the multi-phases of Nanhu Lake, China. The 7th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry (ISEG2006), 24-27 September, 2006, Beijing, P. R. China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2006, 25(Suppl.): 201.(10) Y. Li, N. Li. COMPARISON OF HEAVY METAL DISTRIBUTION AND BIOAVAILABILITY IN SURFACE SEDIMENTS (SSs) AND NATURAL SURFACE COATINGS (NSCs) SAMPLED FROM THE SONGHUA RIVER, NORTHEAST OF CHINA. Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology (EcoSumit 2007), May 22-27, 2007, Beijing, P. R. China. pp: 182.(11)Y. Li, Y.P. Fu. ENHANCED BIOREMEDIATION OF HEAVY OIL CONTAMINATED SOIL BY BACTERIAL CONSORTIUM AMENDED WITH BIOSURFACTANT. Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology (EcoSumit 2007), May 22-27, 2007, Beijing, P. R. China. pp: 182.(12) Y. Li, X.L. Wang, X.Q, Li. APPLICATION OF A SELECTIVE EXTRACTION PROCEDURE TO THE SEPARATION OF IRON AND MANGANESE OXIDES IN SPECIAL SEDIMENT: THE NATURAL SURFACE COATINGS COLLECTED ON RIVER SHINGLE. Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology (EcoSumit 2007), May 22-27, 2007, Beijing, P. R. China. pp: 181.(13) Y Li, X L Wang, L L Hu, X Q Li. SORPTION OF PENTACHLOROPHENOL ON SURFICIAL SEDIMENTS: THE ROLES OF METALS OXIDES AND ORGANIC MATERIALS AND THE COMPETITIVE SORPTION WITH Cu. 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MARINE POLLUTION AND ECOTOXICOLOGY. June 3-6, 2007, Hong Kong, P. R. China.(14)王岙,高茜,王晓丽,翦英红,徐独力,李鱼?。阿特拉津、镉在上层千里积物(生物膜)上的滋扰吸附特点。第四届宇宙环境化学学术大会(4th National Symposium on Environmental Chemistry),10,26-29,2007,中国南京,pp745-746。(15)王婷,王晓丽,胡林林,刘建林,李鱼?。上层千里积物绝顶各组分对五氯酚的吸附特点。第四届宇宙环境化学学术大会(4th National Symposium on Environmental Chemistry),10,26-29,2007,中国南京,pp745-746。(16)马卓,万晓宇,李鱼?。浅谈“以新带老”与“区域限批”的内在筹谋。华北电力大学第五届推敲生学术交流年会,2007。(17)王江玲,李超慈,李鱼?。厨余物堆肥经由二氧化碳排放数学模子推敲。华北电力大学第五届推敲生学术交流年会,2007。(18)苏本生,郭霖,李鱼?。Mg和P复合盐厨余好氧堆肥经由中保氮作用的推敲。华北电力大学第五届推敲生学术交流年会,2007(一等奖)。(19)刘建林,王晓丽,王婷,杜显元,李鸿业,李鱼?。合成的铁氧化物及铁矿粉对Cu2+、Zn2+的吸附推敲。华北电力大学第五届推敲生学术交流年会,2007(三等奖)。(20)Yu Li, Xiaoli Wang, Yuming Liu. Establishment of a selective extraction technique for the separation of iron and manganese oxides and organic materials in the natural surface coating samples (NSCSs). The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2008): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, May 16-18, 2008, Shanghai, China, pp: 3661-3664. (EI收录)(21)Yu Li, Ting Wang, Xiaoli Wang. Sorption characteristics of pentachlorophenol onto Fe oxides extracted from the surficial sediments. The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2008): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, May 16-18, 2008, Shanghai, China, pp: 3657-3560. (EI收录)(22)Yu Li, Na Li, Qian Gao. Surfactant-enhanced bisphenol A adsorption onto surficial sediments (SSs). The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2008): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, May 16-18, 2008, Shanghai, China, pp: 3665-3668. (EI收录)(23)Yu Li, Jian Wang, Yuming Liu. Degradation of landfill leachate and short chain organic acids by catalytic wet air oxidation over Mn/Ce and Co/Bi catalyst. The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2008): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, May 16-18, 2008, Shanghai, China, pp: 3669-3672. (EI收录)(24)Yu Li, Jianlin Liu, Xiaoli Wang, Ting Wang, Xianyuan Du. Cu2+ and Zn2+ adsorption to synthetic iron oxides and natural iron ore powder. The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2008): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, May 16-18, 2008, Shanghai, China, pp: 3522-3525. (EI收录)(25)Yu Li, Jiangling Wang. Prediction of ammonia and carbon dioxide emissions in simulated food waste composting processes. The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2008): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, May 16-18, 2008, Shanghai, China, pp: 3526-3529. (EI收录)(26)Yu Li, Guo Lin. Optimizing Scheme of Power Delivery for Small Thermal Power Generating Units under Emergency. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2009), March 28-31, 2009, Wuhan, China, pp: 1012-1014. (EI收录)(27)Yu Li, Chaoci Li. Indirect Power Supply Planning Model Based on Total Quantity Control of SO2. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2009), March 28-31, 2009, Wuhan, China, pp: 1009-1011. (EI收录)(28)Yinghong Jian, Xianyuan Du, Jianlin Liu, Yu Li?. Optimization and application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for decaBDE in water samples. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2009): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 14-16, 2009, Beijing, China.  (EI收录)(29)Yu Li, Yan Hu, Shuang Zheng, Xianyuan Du, Jiangling Wang. Optimization for Preparation Conditions of Mn-Ce Catalyst Based on BP Artificial Neural Network Model. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2009): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 14-16, 2009, Beijing, China,(EI收录)(30)Yu Li, Xiaoyu Wan, Zhuang Li. Inhibition Effect of Short-chain Organic Acids on Populations of Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria in a Simulated Food Waste Composting Process. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2009): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 14-16, 2009, Beijing, China, (EI收录)(31)Zhuang Li, Minhui Dong, Hongye Li, Xianyuan Du, Yu Li?. Case Application of a Combined Treating Process on Azo Dye Wastewater. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2009): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 14-16, 2009, Beijing, China, (EI收录)(32)Wenjin Zhao, Yunan Zhang, Jiangling Wang, Yu Li. Ammonia Emission Control for the Management of Food Waste Through Composting Model. International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (EMS 2009), September 20-22, 2009, Beijing, China. (EI收录)(33)Wenjin Zhao, Dufeng Li, Jiangling Wang, Yu Li. Modeling of Nitrogen Conservation by the Addition of Mg and P Salts Mixtures for the Management of Urban Food Waste treatments. International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (EMS 2009), September 20-22, 2009, Beijing, China. (EI收录)(34)Xiaoli Wang, Yu Li. Enhanced stabilization of Cu and Zn in the sediments by montmorillonite for the management of heavy metal-contaminated municipal sludge International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (EMS 2009), September 20-22, 2009, Beijing, China. (EI收录)(35)W J Zhao, Z Z Wang, D F Li, Y N Zhang, Y Li. Impacts of Sandification on Ecological Functions and Conservation Measures in Xianghai Wetlands. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2009): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 14-16, 2009, Beijing, China,(EI收录)(36)Xianyuan Du, Jianlin Liu, Jing Xin, Yu Li, Xingchun Li, Yanhong Lang. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils Sampled from an Oilfield: Analytical Method by GC-MS, Distribution, Profile, Sources and Impacts. The Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2010): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 21-23, 2010, Chengdu, China.(37)Xianyuan Du, Jianlin Liu, Yu Li, Yanghong Lang, Xingchun Li. Ultrasonic-extraction and Separation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons (PHs) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from Heavy Oil-polluted Soil based on Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) Analysis. The Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2010): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 21-23, 2010, Chengdu, China.(38)Ting Wang, Yan Hu, Yu Li. Optimization of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) based on the solidification of floating organic drop (SFO) coupled with ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) for the extraction recovery of deca-bromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) from surficial sediments. The Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2010): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 21-23, 2010, Chengdu, China.(39)Chen Zhang, Jianlin Liu, Yan Hu, Yu Li, Yinghong Jian. Nonlinear Regression Model for Prediction of Dispersive Liquid-liquid Microextraction-Solidification of Floating Organic Drop (DLLME-SFO) of DecaBDE from River Sediments based on Undecanol. The Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2010): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 21-23, 2010, Chengdu, China.(40)Zhizeng Wang, Qian Gao, Yan Hu, Yu Li. Modeling of Atrazine Adsorption onto Surficial Sediments in the System of Cadmium and Malathion Co-existed. The Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2010): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 21-23, 2010, Chengdu, China.(41)Zhizeng Wang, Qian Gao, Yan Hu, Yu Li. Contributions of Non-residual (Fe oxides, Mn oxides and Organic Materials) and Residuals in Surficial Sediments to Atrazine Adsorption Using Artificial Neural Network Model. The Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2010): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 21-23, 2010, Chengdu, China.(42)Yanhong Lang, Xingchun Li, Yaping Fu. Enhanced bioremediation of heavy oil contaminated soil by bacterial consortium amended with biosurfactant. The Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2010): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, June 21-23, 2010, Chengdu, China.(43) Qianqian GUO, Yang ZHANG, Dufeng LI, Yu L I. Optimization of Biogas Power Generation Location for Formalization Breeding Farm Based on Greenhouse Emission Reduction. Conference on China Technological Development of Renewable Energy Source, Volume II, 993-996, December 18-19, 2010, Beijing, China.(44) Zhao SUN, Yang ZHANG, Qianqian GUO, Yu LI. Modeling of Afforestation Based on the Clean Development Mechanism for the Dual Benefits of Carbon Sink and Social Economy. Conference on China Technological Development of Renewable Energy Source, Volume II, 984-988, December 18-19, 2010, Beijing, China.(45)Yu Li, Ting Wang, Jing Xin, Xianyuan Du. Theoretical study of the quantitative structure–activity relationships for the Ah receptor-binding affinities of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2011): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, May 10-12, 2011, Wuhan, China.(46) Yu Li, Qian Gao, Qian Wang, Zhizeng Wang. Application of Grey Relational Analysis to Atrazine Adsorption on Surficial Sediments as Affected by Cadmium or Copper Co-existed. The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2011): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, May 10-12, 2011, Wuhan, China.(47) Yingying Fan, Juan Li, Yu Li. Assessment of Urban Low-Carbon Economic Development in Longgang District, Shenzhen, China. The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2011): Environmental Pollution and Public Health Track, May 10-12, 2011, Wuhan, China.(48) Zhuang Li, Juan Li, Yu Li. Problems and countermeasures existing in the rural ecological environments in Hunan province, China. 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, Volume 1, 565-568, June 24th~26th, 2011, Nanjing, China.(49) Mei Cai, Zhao Sun, Yang Zhang, Dufeng Li, Yu Li. Optimization of a CDM Forestation Project Based on Minimum Investment: A Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China. 2011 International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment, Volume 02, 1220-1224, May 20-22, 2011, Shanghai, China.(50) Yingying Fan, Yao Ji, Dufeng Li, Yu Li. Study on Evaluation Index System of Low-carbon City. 2011 International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment, Volume 01, 26-29, May 20-22, 2011, Shanghai, China.(51) XiaJiao Wang, Meng Wang, Zhuang Li and Yu Li. Legal System of Power Frequency Electromagnetic Field in Power Transmission Projects. 2011 International Conference on Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment (CSISE 2011), Sept. 24-25, 2011, Guangzhou.(52). Zhuang Li, Yan Hu, Juan Li and Yu Li. Investigation on Index System for Major Pollutants Emission Reduction in Structure, Engineering and Supervision. 2011 International Conference on Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment (CSISE 2011), Sept. 24-25, 2011, Guangzhou.(53) Mei Cai, Zhao Sun, XiaoLi Li, and Yu Li. A Review on Ecological and Environment Impact Assessment of Municipal Power Transmission and Transformation System. 2011 International Conference on Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment (CSISE 2011), Sept. 24-25, 2011, Guangzhou.(54) QiaoZou, Meng Wang, Zhao Sun and Yu Li. Preliminary Discussion on Health Effects on Human and Exposure Limits of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields. 2011 International Conference on Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment (CSISE 2011), Sept. 24-25, 2011, Guangzhou.(55) YingYing Fan, Yao Ji, HongYu Wang, DuFeng Li, and Yu Li. Controlling Indices for Low-carbon City based on Emission Reduction in Structure, Technology and Supervision. 2011 International Conference on Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment (CSISE 2011), Sept. 24-25, 2011, Guangzhou.(56) XiaoLi Li, YunXia Liu, XiaJiao Wang, and Yu Li. Analysis on the Effectiveness of Public Participation for EIA in the Power Transmission and Transformation Project. 2011 International Conference on Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment (CSISE 2011), Sept. 24-25, 2011, Guangzhou.(57) 李庄,李娟,胡艳,李都峰,李鱼。基于“3+1”减排模式的区域(湖南省)主要期侮物减排后劲分析。第三届中国能源科学家论坛:我国能源往时发展策略及对策,10,20-22,2011,中国北京,pp(58) 李庄,胡艳,温静雅,李都峰,李鱼。基于“3+1”减排模式的区域主要期侮物总量限度优化模子推敲。第三届中国能源科学家论坛:我国能源往时发展策略及对策,10,20-22,2011,中国北京,pp(59) 李鱼,范英英,李都峰,籍瑶,张阳。基于资本决策的城市低碳化发展优化模子构建。第三届中国能源科学家论坛:我国能源往时发展策略及对策,10,20-22,2011,中国北京,pp:780-784。(60) Xixi Li, Chen Zhang, Yu Li. Study on Optimization of PAHs Extraction Conditions in Soils Through Fractional Factorial Designs. 2012 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environmental and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012), June 1-3, 2012, Nanjing.(61) Yu Li, Zhuang LiI, Zhao Sun, Jingya Wen, Yan Hu. Application of Interval Optimization Model for Total Amount Control and Emissions Trading of Regional Pollutants. 2012 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environmental and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012), June 1-3, 2012, Nanjing.(62) Zhao Sun, Tianyi Pang, Jingya Wen, Yan Hu, Zhuang Li, Yu Li. Interval Fuzzy Linear Programming for Total Amount Control and Emissions Trading of Regional Atmospheric Pollutants. 2012 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environmental and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012), June 1-3, 2012, Nanjing.(63) Yan Hu, Qiao Zou, Dazhou Wang, Jingya Wen, Xianyuan Du, Yu Li. Artificial Neural Network Assisted Spatial Distribution and Pollution Grade Evaluation of PAHs in Soils in a Typical Oilfield of China. 2012 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environmental and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012), June 1-3, 2012, Nanjing.(64) Chen Zhang, Yan Hu, Xiaopeng Li, Long Jiang, Minghui Chen, and Yu Li. Healthy Evaluation of a Constructed Wetland Ecosystem with Oil-field Wastewater as the Water Supply in Arid Region. IWA Regional Conference on Wastewater Purification and Reuse (WWPR2012), March 28-30, 2012, Heraklion, Greece.(65)Yan Hu, Chen Zhang, Dazhou Wang, Jingya Wen, Minghui Chen, and Yu Li. Chloridion Transport and Fate in Oil-field Wastewater Reuse by Interval Dynamic Multimedia Aquivalence Model. IWA Regional Conference on Wastewater Purification and Reuse (WWPR2012), March 28-30, 2012, Heraklion, Greece.(66) Chen Zhang, Long Jiang, Chong Meng , Xiaopeng Li, Yu Li. Ultrasonic-assistant Dispersive Liquid-liquid Microextraction Based on Solidification of Floating Organic Droplet Method for Quick Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils. The 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology (ICEET2012), March 25-26, 2012, Zhangjiajie.(67) Jingya Wen, Yan Hu, Zhao Sun, Zhuang Li and Yu Li. A SEM Water Pollutants Emissions Reduction Optimization Model for Pollutant Total Amount Control in a Region. 2nd/2012 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD2012), Oct. 12-14, 2012, Jilin.(68) Tianyi Pang, Zhao Sun, Zhuang Li, Wenjin Zhao, Yu Li. An Optimal Model for Carbon Dioxide Emission Control in the Low-carbon Urban Agglomeration Based on Sustainable Development of Economy, Society and Environment (1): Modeling Construction. 2nd/2012 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD2012), Oct. 12-14, 2012, Jilin.(69) Lun Wang, Zhao Sun, Zhuang Li, Wenjin Zhao, Yu Li.  An Optimal Model for Carbon Dioxide Emission Control in the Low-carbon Urban Agglomeration based on Sustainable Development of Economy, Society and Environment (2): A Case Study. 2nd/2012 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD2012), Oct. 12-14, 2012, Jilin.(70) Meng Wang, Xiaoli Li, Yu Li. 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